Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 8 Reading Notes

1.) HTML Tutorial
I really had no knowledge or experience of HTMLs when I read this tutorial. It had some very helpful information, but it was a bit much to take in. I really had a lot of fun doing the "try it yourself" parts. Since it was so much to take in, it was hard to remember a lot, but It would be easy enough to refer back to this if I needed it.

2.) HTML Cheatsheet
I was unable to access this reading.

3.)CSS Tutorial
I didn't really know about CSS before this. It was created to solve the problem of using HTML in increasingly complicated websites. My comments and feelings on this tutorial are similar to the HTML tutorial. It was a lot of information for an inexperienced person like myself, but it would be very useful to refer back to.

4.)Beyond HTML
The collaboration between librarians and web developers have helped ensure the success of CMS. I know that as a future librarian where digitization is becoming more and more important the collaboration of various technology experts and librarians becomes critical for libraries to meet the changing demands of their users.

1 comment:

  1. Even though I think that is important for librarians to have a basic grasp on these technical web programs, I wonder how likely it is that librarians will be creating search engines, developing web programs, etc.
